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  • mitchison

A catch-up post

Tyneside Welcome volunteers have been taken up with supporting two new families who arrived in late 2022, one in North Shields and one in Gateshead. Posting on this blog has lagged behind the practical aspects of helping the members of these families begin to grapple with life in the U.K. And while this has been going on, T.W. members in Gosforth have been busily preparing for the arrival of a FOURTH family.

We are glad to have helped a total of 17 people finding safety and rebuilding their lives here on Tyneside. But we rely entirely on volunteers to do this work - and we need more of them! Some supporters are unable to volunteer with us but help in other ways. One young enthusiast raised a total of £366 from a home-baked cake stall held earlier this month in her front garden - thank you to the family support behind this endeavour!

Photo: H.Marshall

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